June 07, 2024
From Spain to Portugal, scammers switch companies and country
AgroCheck provides credit information for the horticulture industry. The online database contains more than 38.000 companies in the industry, including over 2.900 companies registered on the ‘Warning list’. AgroCheck also creates dozens of up-to-date credit reports per week for her clients, including credit advice.
When your customer doesn’t pay, you can ask AgroCheck Collections to collect the debts. With over 22 years of experience, AgroCheck Collections is the only specialized debt collection agency for the horticulture industry worldwide, with renowned clients in almost all well-known flower export countries.
AgroCheck members get access to the online database. So you can easily check if your (potential) customer is known with positive- or negative history. Members also receive a minimum of two free up-to-date credit reports including credit limit advice, depending on their membership.
You are contacted by a potential customer. They want to buy your flowers and plants, but how do you know if this is a reliable company?
AgroCheck members log in to the AgroCheck database, search for the potential customer or ask for an up-to-date credit report.
With an AgroCheck credit report you know who your potenital customer is, what they do, how long they exist and how their financial position is. With a positive report, you can decide to do business!
You are contacted by a potential customer. They want to buy your flowers and plants, but how do you know if this is a reliable company?
AgroCheck members log in to the AgroCheck database, search for the potential customer or ask for an up-to-date credit report.
With an AgroCheck credit report you know who your potenital customer is, what they do, how long they exist and how their financial position is. With a positive report, you can decide to do business!
An AgroCheck membership is concluded for a minimum duration of 12 months and will automatically continue without new confirmation for another 12 months. The termination of the membership must be received by AgroCheck in writing, no later than 30 days before the expiration of this term.
Would you like a custom membership tailor-made for you? Contact us.
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